Are you looking for good motocross boots for under $200? The Alpinestars Tech 3 boots are a great pair of intermediate level motocross boots. This is my personal review of the Tech 3 boots because I bought mine new and have used them for many years.
If you are going to race motocross, let alone ride dirt bikes, you better have the proper protective gear. One of the first items of protective gear for your body should be riding boots. These come right after a helmet for importance because you need your feet and legs almost every minute of every day. I don't know about you, but that seems like a lot of time!

I have been wearing a pair of Alpinestars Tech 3 motocross boots and they have been a great addition to my protective gear collection. There are several specifications that you should look for in a pair of motocross boots. These are: break-in time, type of material they're made of, buckle/restraint system, comfort, sole, how much grip they have, and other little things.
The break-in time is how long it takes for your boots to go from showroom rock solid to them being just flexible enough for your feet. Finding the pair of boots that break-in the quickest is not necessarily what you should look for. In fact, the faster they break-in the quicker they might wear out.
Wearing brand new boots while racing is probably the worst thing you can do for protection. They will restrict your feet and be very uncomfortable. So it's crucial that you break them in before going for a long ride or a race. Even though some motocross boots don't require break-in now there are still many lower costing boots that do.
How Long To Break-In The Tech 3's?
The Alpinestars Tech 3 motocross boots do require a break-in period. It took mine about 3-4 hours of riding for them to be completely broken in. They were pretty stiff at first, like all boots, but they were just flexible enough after using them for a few rides.
Alpinestars Tech 3 Material Quality
These boots are definitely on the higher end of material quality, even though they are about the price of an entry-level pair of motocross boots. Alpinestars Tech 3 boots are made of high quality leather and abrasion-resistant polyurethane. I will personally say that these boots last a long time if you take care of them. I've had mine for almost two seasons and they still look like new. They are high quality motocross boots and will last longer than most.
Buckle/Restraint System
Although buckle issues may seem pointless at first, I hear of many riders having problems with the buckles on their motocross boots breaking or not staying on tight. The Alpinestars Tech 3 boots have a good and simple buckle system. There are four latches that are strong and easy to buckle and unbuckle. They have never come off while riding with them on. I have not had any problems with mine and don't see having a problem with them in the near future.
If you buy a pair of boots that aren't comfortable then you are going to regret it, and forking out $200 on a pair of motocross boots that are worthless is something that riders do not want to do these days. So it's best to know what you're getting before you buy it. A simple way to see if you like the fit and comfort of motocross boots is to try them on at a store, although this is not always accurate because the fit differs once the boots are broken-in.
My Tech 3 boots felt pretty good when I first bought them. There weren't any sharp edges or anything scraping against my legs. As soon as I broke them in they felt great for how stiff and strong they are. The Tech 3 motocross boots gave me plenty of support while still being snug and surprisingly comfortable to my feet. These boots aren't like putting on slippers, but they get the job done, and get it done in a good manner. I have no problem wearing them on an all day trail ride.

Tech 3 Sole/Grip
The sole of motocross boots can be very important for some racers. It's because they grip the pegs, and if you can't stay on the pegs then you are not going to stay on the bike. Aggressive soles will give you maximum friction with the pegs, allowing your feet to stay on them without slipping. The downfall is that they will wear out really quickly.
The Alpinestar Tech 3 boots are about in the middle of having mild and aggressive soles. They are good grip and still last somewhat longer then other motocross boots. Mine are starting to get worn, but I've had them for about two seasons of riding. The calf plate/heat guard also gave me some grip against the frame of the bike. It is high quality and still in great shape.
The Alpinestars Tech 3 motocross boots are a perfect entry level, or even intermediate, pair of boots that last longer than most other motocross boots. They are also cheap enough for those wanting high-quality and comfort. Remember that your feet are very important, so make sure you protect them with a good pair of motocross boots.
Click here to buy your Alpinestars Tech 3 boots on Amazon!
How to make dirt biking safer
Wearing the right riding gear, such as the Alpinestar Tech 3s, is key to preventing injuries, but that's just the beginning. Riding with proper technique will make you safer because you can stay in control of the bike. Want to learn the basics by taking a few minutes to go through my free training? Click here to learn more.
Saturday 22nd of July 2023
How do they feel in hot weather? I want to use them on my cruiser for 3-4 hour rides in summer. Because not many boots offer this much protection.
Kelley Fager
Monday 24th of July 2023
There's very little to no ventilation, so they would get pretty warm. They're not made for riding on the street since they're motocross boots.
Bob D.
Wednesday 10th of March 2021
I have a pair of tech 3 that I have had for 15 months I don’t race I’m 69 years old and ride a 2000 Honda XR250R in eastern Wa. The middle strap broke off completely. Its hard plastic that looks like It was sewn into Place not sure how to have it fixed, going to call tomorrow 3-11-2021
Kelley Fager
Saturday 13th of March 2021
Sorry to hear that, Bob. Yeah, I'd call alpinestars and see what they say.
Tuesday 23rd of February 2021
Are you positive they have leather? Alpinestar said their Tech 3s are leather-free
Kelley Fager
Thursday 25th of February 2021
I'm not sure anymore, to be perfectly honest. Alpinestars might have updated their Tech 3 boot since I wrote this review years ago.
Jason palmer
Monday 20th of June 2011
Ive a pair Tech 3 AT's and the button like clip where the buckel pulled out when trying to reinsert it ,it broke .Any advise how to re insert the new one ? Thanks
Kelley Fager
Monday 20th of June 2011
Are you referring to the plastic adjustment buckle part? I haven't had to replace one, but looking at it, it appears that you have to just shove it in.
Colton Raber
Thursday 25th of November 2010
I got a pair of Black Tech 3 boots at Christmas last year (2009). I race motocross and by about the alf way point of the season 2 of by bluckles had fallen off! I mean like completly puled out of the boot and the other one broke off at where is snaps into the boot.
Kelley Fager
Thursday 25th of November 2010
I'm sorry to hear that, Colton. I've used mine for many races and a few years of trail riding, and haven't had a problem.