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Tight Turns Made Easy

Learn how to confidently ride tight turns without the fear of slowing down too much and falling or washing out – even if your bike feels tall & heavy

Discover the simple steps to easily ride tight trails and corners by identifying simple riding mistakes without needing to go to the track or trails to practice

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The tips for tight turns has been really helpful. I thought about that a lot on yesterday’s ride. Thanks!

Zoe KLX140 Tight Turns Made Easy -Zoe Najim

Are sharp turns an issue on your tall and heavy bike?

Are you forced to slow down so much that you’re worried you might put a foot down and fall over and not be able to pick your heavy bike back up?

Whether you’re riding alone or with your family, I totally understand why you might be afraid or nervous about needing to turn around or riding around a sharp corner with narrow trees.

Poor Body Position & Technique while cornering
Here’s a perfect example of what NOT to do in a corner…

A common mistake is not properly using your body to stay balanced or to get proper traction. Another issue is focusing too much on the throttle, causing you to lose control from the rear wheel sliding out or simply stalling and falling over.

Do you ride “tense” and hit your handlebars on trees?

While riding trails in the woods can be super fun, it’s also intimidating when the trees are so narrow that you hit the bars on them – especially when there’s a tight corner with an uphill after it.

This can cause you to “tense up”, making it more difficult to get through trees and around the corner because your throttle feels jerky at low speeds or you’re too focused on what’s right in front of you.

Don’t worry, there’s an easier way to get around these tight turns while staying relaxed, and it starts with how you approach the corner – even if it’s a blind turn where you don’t know what’s next!

Does your front tire wash out on tight turns?

Maybe you’re just afraid of the front end sliding out because the terrain is slippery or you’re worried about using too much front brake. This is totally normal – especially if you’re coming from a street bike or just new to riding in the dirt because you don’t have 100% traction!

Tires Washing Out Tight Turns Made Easy

When you enter a corner, a huge mistake that I see people make is being too aggressive with the brakes and the gas. This is usually because you’re only looking at what’s right in front of you and by the time you need to slow down, it’s too late.

This causes you to slam on the brakes and lose traction, causing your tires to slide out!

Don’t worry, everyone struggles with these problems at some point in their dirt biking riding career! I would know, because I was intimidated by tight trails, especially when there were hills with sharp turns because I felt like I was going to fall from not going fast enough or stalling.

That’s why I want to show you how I learned from my mistakes over the years so that you can quickly build your confidence and prevent hitting trees or falling and not being able to pick up your heavy dirt bike!

If any or all of these sound like you, then…

Tight Turns Made Easy is 100% for you!

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Here’s what you’ll learn in this PDF workbook guide:

  • The step-by-step guide to riding tight, sharp turns with control by efficiently using your body and bike
  • How to prevent stalling and falling even if you have a tall & heavy bike
  • The biggest mistake when trying to ride around narrow sections that causes you to hit trees
  • How to get the most traction so your tires don’t slide out while cornering or turning around
  • What do to if your throttle is jerky at low speeds

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  • Lifetime access & support
  • Complete PDF guide to view and download
  • Tight turns training that’s easy to understand and then go out and learn on any bike
  • Go through the training with your son, daughter, or spouse, and then start practicing today!
  • Grab it now at the “Introductory Price” before it goes up!